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The Amazing Book of Ruth: Jesus as Our Redeemer

The Amazing Book of Ruth: Jesus as Our Redeemer

The Book of Ruth is a beautiful story of loyalty, love, and redemption. Set during the time of the judges, it offers a glimpse into God’s providence and faithfulness to His people, even in difficult times. Ruth, a Moabite widow, becomes the key figure in this narrative, and her story points to a greater Redeemer—Jesus Christ. In this post, we’ll explore the themes of Ruth, its significance, and how we can see Jesus throughout its pages.

Background of Ruth

So, the Book of Ruth is one of the two books in the Bible named after women (the other being Esther). It is set during a time of famine in Israel, and it highlights the lives of Naomi, an Israelite widow, and her daughter-in-law Ruth, a Moabite widow. The story focuses on Ruth’s loyalty to her mother-in-law and her eventual marriage to Boaz, a relative who redeems Ruth’s family line.

Though small, the Book of Ruth is profound in its portrayal of God’s providence and His plan of redemption, not just for Israel, but for all nations. The inclusion of Ruth, a Gentile, into the lineage of King David (and ultimately Jesus) underscores the inclusive nature of God’s plan for salvation.

Key Characters in Ruth

  • Naomi: A woman who, after losing her husband and sons, experiences great bitterness and grief but ultimately sees God’s hand of providence in her life.
  • Ruth: A Moabite widow who chooses to stay with Naomi and follow God, demonstrating loyalty, faith, and courage.
  • Boaz: A wealthy relative of Naomi’s deceased husband who acts as the kinsman redeemer, offering to marry Ruth and redeem her family line.
  • Orpah: Ruth’s sister-in-law, who chooses to return to her own people instead of staying with Naomi.

The Theme of Redemption

One of the central themes of Ruth is the concept of redemption. In Israelite law, a kinsman redeemer (usually a close relative) could redeem the property and family line of a deceased relative. In this case, Boaz, as a relative of Naomi’s deceased husband, has the right to redeem Ruth and her family.

This story of redemption points forward to the ultimate Redeemer—Jesus. Just as Boaz redeems Ruth, Jesus redeems us from the consequences of sin, offering us eternal life and adoption into God’s family (Ephesians 1:7, Romans 8:15).

Where You Can See Jesus in Ruth

In Boaz as the Kinsman Redeemer: Boaz’s role as the kinsman redeemer foreshadows the work of Jesus, who, as our Redeemer, offers salvation through His sacrifice on the cross. Just as Boaz restores Ruth’s family line, Jesus restores us to God’s family, paying the price for our sin (1 Peter 1:18-19).

In Ruth’s Faith and Loyalty: Ruth’s decision to leave her family and country behind to follow Naomi and worship the God of Israel shows great faith and loyalty. Similarly, Jesus calls us to follow Him, leaving behind our old ways to embrace a new life in Him (Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23).

In the Inclusion of the Gentiles: Ruth, a Moabite, is an outsider, but she is included in the lineage of David and Jesus. This reflects God’s plan to bring salvation to all nations, not just Israel (Matthew 1:5, Romans 15:12).

5 Amazing Ways to Understand God's Plan for Your Life

Key Themes in Ruth

  • God’s Providence: Even in the midst of hardship, God is working behind the scenes to bring about His plan. Ruth and Naomi’s lives show us that God is faithful, even when we don’t see the full picture (Romans 8:28).
  • Loyalty and Faith: Ruth’s loyalty to Naomi and her willingness to embrace God’s ways is a beautiful example of faith. Jesus calls us to be loyal to Him and trust Him, even when the future is uncertain (John 14:15, 2 Timothy 2:13).
  • Redemption: The story of Ruth highlights the need for redemption, both for individuals and for the world. Jesus is our ultimate Redeemer, offering the greatest redemption possible—freedom from sin and eternal life with God (Romans 3:24-25, Colossians 1:13-14).

How We Can Apply Ruth to Our Lives Today

  1. Trust in God’s Timing: Like Naomi and Ruth, we may experience seasons of hardship and loss, but we can trust that God’s timing is perfect. He is working behind the scenes to bring about His good purposes (Romans 8:28, Ecclesiastes 3:1).
  2. Show Loyalty and Love: Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi is a powerful example of loyalty and love. We can apply this by showing loyalty to our loved ones and faithfully following God, even when it’s difficult (John 15:12-13).
  3. Embrace God’s Redemption: Just as Ruth accepted Boaz’s redemption, we must accept Jesus as our Redeemer. He offers us forgiveness and a new life in Him. Accepting His offer of redemption brings us into a relationship with God (John 1:12, Ephesians 1:7).
  4. Share God’s Love with Others: Ruth’s story reminds us that God’s love is for all people, not just a select few. We are called to share the message of Jesus with everyone, regardless of their background or past (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8).


The Book of Ruth is a beautiful story of God’s faithfulness, love, and redemption. Through the actions of Boaz, we see a picture of Jesus as our ultimate Redeemer, offering us salvation and a place in God’s family. Ruth’s story invites us to trust in God’s timing, embrace His redemption, and live out loyalty and love in our relationships. As we reflect on Ruth, may we be reminded of the depth of God’s love for us and His desire to redeem and restore our lives.

Call to Action
How have you experienced God’s redemption in your own life? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s encourage one another to trust in the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. If this post has been meaningful to you, feel free to share it with others who may need to hear about the love and redemption God offers.

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